Peter Goldade was born in North Dakota and reared on his grandfather’s homestead.
He served three years in the U. S. Army as a Staff Sergeant in Radio and Communications and was employed for thirty-four years by a major U.S. Aerospace firm as a Sales-Marketing Manager.
Upon his retirement, he began to devote more time to one of his hobbies – genealogy. His quest for knowledge of his family’s lineage has spanned many years and nations. In his search for the family roots, his travels have taken him on numerous occasions to Germany, France, Ukraine, and Russia.
The information obtained from this research meeting long lost relatives, and his journeys have led to the creation of this web site and his numerous books, The Goldade Family History, The Jundt Family History, The Migler Family History, The Sander Family History, and Our Relatives The Persecuted.
To contact, email: [email protected]